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Premium Free Screensavers

Polar Bears

Polar bear is the world's largest predator found on land, being twice as big as lions or tigers. Install this screensaver on your compter and start your own polar bear safari on the desktop!

Sailing Yachts

Feel the extremes of sailing in the open sea full of the strong fair wind. The screen saver will show you the calm and dramatic moment of sailing. You will see the views of sailing yachts from the side and from the bird-eye position.


Lion, "king of the jungle" or "king of the beasts", is well-known exotic animal. Lions have enjoyed a positive depiction in culture as strong but noble. Install this screensaver on your compter and make an virtual safari to Africa!


The fascination of fireworks with their noise and color continues today during each great holiday, festivals and other events in different countries around the world. Various colors and non-recurrent forms will definetely please your eyes!


The Puppies Free screensaver will show you views of nice puppies in different situations and environments on the desktop. Install this screensaver and please you eyes with views of amazing puppies on your desktop!

Turkish Travel

Turkey is the origin land of Empires of Byzantine and Ottoman in ancient civilizations having location where east and west landmasses meet gives it a mixed culture. This screensaver will help you to make the travel to Turkey to see its views.


Waterfall is always the attractive show for people. Install Waterfalls Free screensaver and imagine the freshness of the wet air and see the colors of accompanying rainbow on the desktop of your computer.

Ocean Waves

Ocean Waves Free screensaver will show you the mighty of the ocean that breaks on the shore with its powerful waves. The amazing pure colors and forms of tall waves will make the feast for your eyes watching this performance on your desktop.


Tibet is a mysterious area in Central Asia. It is the highest region on Earth and is commonly referred to as the "Roof of the World. This screensaver will open the window to Tibet on the desktop of your computer.

Persian Trip

Persia is the former name of Iran, the country with long history. Dozens of pre-historic sites across the Iranian plateau point to the existence of ancient cultures. This screensaver will help you to make the trip to ancient and modern Persia.

Sea Storm 3D Live Wallpaper free Get it on Google Play Click the button or scan QR code QR Code

Aqua 3D Screensaver
Aqua 3D

SeaStorm 3D Screensaver
SeaStorm 3D

Future City 3D Screensaver
Future City 3D

The Pyramids of Egypt 3D Screensaver
The Pyramids 3D